
Jiaxuan You (尤佳轩)

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I am currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor at UIUC CS, and a Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA. I will join UIUC CS as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in 2024 Fall. I received my Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, advised by Prof. Jure Leskovec. I was supported by JPMC PhD Fellowship and Baidu Scholarship during my PhD. My research leads to Kumo AI, where I built the first graph learning predictive system for relational databases as a core founding member from 2021 to 2023.

Selected PhDs

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Selected Masters

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Recruitment Information

Prospective student

  • PhD openings: I am looking for multiple self-motivated PhD students starting in 2024 Fall (application occurs in Dec 2023). Students with strong ML or ML system background are preferred (e.g., could you explain data, model, tensor, pipeline, and FSDP parallelism?). If you are a prospective PhD student, I highly suggest reaching out to me early so that we can both check if there is a fit between us.
  • Intern openings: I am also looking for self-motivated remote intern students starting at any time. Similarly, students with strong ML or ML system background are preferred. I would prefer that you are interested in working with me as a PhD student in the long run.
  • Email format: "Interested in {position, e.g., Ph.D.} at {expected time, e.g., Fall 2024}”): - CV: Include your background, experiences, and future research interests. - Research: Summarize any projects, publications, and open-source software you have done. - Why Us?: Any research work from me that you are interested in. Mention any new topics (could be fully unrelated to my past research) that you would like to explore.
  • Google Form: You may also register your information on this Google Form. I will make sure to check out your information during the application process.

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