
Beidi Chen

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I am currently a visiting researcher at Meta/Facebook AI Research (FAIR). Previously, I was a postdoc researcher at Stanford working with Dr. Chris Ré. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University under the supervision of Dr. Anshumali Shrivastava in 2020. I received my B.S. from University of California, Berkeley in 2015. My mentors were Dr. Sara Alspaugh, Dr. Kaifei Chen and my advisor was Dr. Randy Katz. My research focuses on large-scale machine learning. Specifically, I design and optimize randomized algorithms (algorithm-hardware co-design) to accelerate large machine learning systems for real-world problems.

Selected PhDs

Selected Masters

Recruitment Information

My lab is recruiting for 23' (Application Link)! I am looking for students and interns who are excited to tackle efficiency problems in ML together from an algorithm, modeling, or system/hardware perspective. Ph.D., master's, undergraduate, and visiting students are welcome to reach out!